Learning, Development and our curriculum

We pride ourselves on embracing each team member’s individuality, all of which bring a variety of teaching, childcare, parenting, life and work experience to our practice. 

We have a full and rich curriculum that represents our children, our families, our communities and our ‘Evergreen Way’.

We spend time reflecting and developing our curriculum to ensure that it meets the needs of our children. 

Evergreen Curriculum

Observation, assessment & next steps

Free play, continuous provision & enhancements

Ages & stages of learning

Developing routines

A Fun and Encouraging Environment

Our environment is interesting and exciting. We love to be both indoors and outdoors; each area offering something different to our children. 

We adapt our environment to meet the needs of our children and we ensure that it is fresh, inviting and always has meaning to our children. 

Observation, Assessment and Next Steps

Our team get to know each children through interacting and engaging with them, by observing them during play, activities and routines and through communication with their families during daily conversations and our FAMLY app.

By knowing our children well, we are able to assess where they are, what their next steps will be and how we will help the child to achieve these. We celebrate all this with our families so children’s learning continues at home. 

Free Play, Continuous Provision & Enhancements

Within each setting we have many different areas of provision. These areas promote children’s independence. Children are free to move around, choose and explore various equipment, toys and resources through their own play, both indoors and out. These areas, and the resources in them, are constant. Children can then revisit them and practise and develop their skills.

Practitioners will provide enhancements in these areas, to challenge children to extend their learning, to encourage interaction, exploration, awe and wonder and to help them achieve their next steps.

Evergreen Curriculum

Alongside our freeplay environment, practitioners provide more focused activities based around our Evergreen Curriculum. This curriculum is developed by our Early Years Teacher, taking into account the different ages and stages of our children, the knowledge they already have, what new things we would like them to experience and the areas of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Ages and Stages of Learning

Our children are given opportunities to interact and play together across all ages. This develops understanding, respect and empathy as the older children support the younger ones, and younger children want to try, have a go, and challenge themselves as they see older children doing things for themselves.

We have a separate room for our under 2’s. We understand that their needs are much more about providing comfort, developing bonds and attachments to their key person and providing individualised routines for each of them. 


Routines are vital to help children feel safe, a sense of belonging and to know what is coming next, where things are and where they go. Whilst our approach to learning is very flexible, based on individual children’s stages, interests and needs, we always maintain our routines.

Our days flow in the same order. Times are fluid to allow children to spend as little or as long as they want at certain things, but the order of activities is set so children can feel secure and develop their independence.

We provide healthy balanced morning and afternoon snacks, a full cooked lunch and a light tea throughout the day.

Routines for our under twos will be individual for each child, and practitioners will liaise closely with parents to make sure feeding, sleeping and activity times are consistent between both nursery and home.

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